A global community of local lodging....



Membership in STAY INTERNATIONALl, an International Association Alliance Member Association,  is an inexpensive and unique way to help new customers find your business.  It is a small investment with big rewards and also includes membership in the International Association Alliance, Accessibility International, the International Better Business Alliance, (IBBA), and the International Green Business Alliance (IGBA).  If you want to learn how membership in STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA can help your business to attract MORE NEW CUSTOMERS TODAY Click on the SUCCEED button.

STAY INTERNATIONAL is a member Association of the International Association Alliance (IAA), a community of associations, organizations, businesses and individuals.  Your STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA membership provides an innovative method for your business to connect to new customers. Association memberships build business credibility, and help attract new customers while increasing your business profitability.


STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA membership brings a unique and innovative community approach to connect your business to more new customers.

STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA membership makes it easy and inexpensive for your business to use the power of multiple association memberships to attract new customers and build your business.  Instead of spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year, your STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA membership allows you to join the associations whose membership will benefit your business, all for one low membership investment.

Instead of spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year, STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA membership allows you to join the associations whose membership will benefit your business, all for one low membership investment.


“STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA membership takes thinking outside the box, connecting my business to new customers.”

Terry G.


Membership in STAY INTERNATIONAL, an International Association Alliance Member Association,  is an inexpensive and unique way to help new customers find your business.  It is a small investment with big rewards and also includes membership in the International Association Alliance, Accessibility International, the International Better Business Alliance, (IBBA), and the International Green Business Alliance (IGBA).  If you want to help your business to attract MORE NEW CUSTOMERS TODAY Click on the SUCCEED TODAY button.

Internet Marketing is a wonderful and essential tool for marketing your business, however it can be frustrating when your small business has to compete for customers with large companies.  Working with limited resources, you have to provide more than one way for your business to be found by new customers and give them good reasons why they should use your business.


STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA membership uses the power of community based team marketing to connect your business to more new customers.

Please, if you want more new customers to find your business, learn how STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA membership can help your business connect with those customers.  You have to be creative with your marketing, giving potential customers unique and multiple ways to find your business.

When a potential new customer searches for your business, they use a search engine, either Google, Bing, Yahoo, or one of the others.   Google is the most prominent search and two of Google’s top ranking factors for any website are BACKLINKS, and  CONTENT.  Let’s examine each factor, see how it affects your website, and how STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA membership will help your business stand out and be found by new customers eager to use your business.


Membership in STAY INTERNATIONAL, an International Association Alliance Member Association,  is an inexpensive and unique way to help new customers find your business.  It is a small investment with big rewards and also includes membership in the International Association Alliance, Accessibility International, the International Better Business Alliance, (IBBA), and the International Green Business Alliance (IGBA).  If you want to help your business to attract MORE NEW CUSTOMERS TODAY Click on the SUCCEED TODAY button.

BACKLINKS are the “connections” from other websites to your site.  Google examines them for relevance to your site, ranking your site against all others in the search category, so it is important that your connections are from websites which are relevant to your site.  If your website is for a Bed & Breakfast, a connection from a website for activities or services close to your B & B are very relevant, while a connection from an auto parts website is of little relevance to your site.


“New customers gained through STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA membership has helped our bottom line, giving us more profits.”

Minnie D.

STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA membership allows you to take control of the connections coming into your site.  You decide which sites you want connecting to your business and establish those connections through your STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA profile.

Content on your website is also important, relevant up-to-date content is of much more interest to Google than out-of-date content which has not been renewed or freshened to show a vibrant and active site that they feel will be of the most interest to a person conducting a search.


STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA membership uses innovative community marketing to help grow your business through connections to more new customers.

STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA business members fall into seven broad categories.  The main business member association categories are STAY, DINING, PLAY, EVENTS, EXPLORE, SHOPPING AND SERVICES.  Your business should fit within one or more of the main categories, which would provide valuable BACKLINKS to your business website. Let’s look at how this works and how it can help build your business and bring new customers to your business under the different categories.


STAY:     For Example, if your business is a Bed & Breakfast, then the STAY category would be your primary category.

DINING:     If your B & B has an onsite restaurant your business could also belong in the DINING category.

PLAY:    Your B & B business may be close to activities like whitewater kayaking which would give you a listing in the PLAY category.

EVENTS:      Your B & B may also host meetings, weddings or elopements so your business would also belong in the EVENTS category.

EXPLORING:     If your business is close to natural or historic sites, this could mean a listing in the EXPLORING category.

SHOPPING:    Proximity to terrific Flea or Farmers Markets would include your B & B business in the SHOPPING category.

SERVICES:     Providing catering for Events would mean that you should include your B & B business in the SERVICES category.


As you can see it could be quite easy to develop a wide variety of BACKLINKS feeding back to your website that would have a very high relevance to your site and provide many ways that your website could be found on a search by a prospective new customer.  Plus search engines love BACKLINKS and rank your website according to the number and relevance of the other websites linking back to your site.  Membership in STAY INTERNATIONAL / IAA and the free membership options it gives you to join other IAA member associations, alliances, and organizations provides you with a unique, innovative and honest method to control and develop BACKLINKS that search engines love when they rate your business website in their searches.


No matter what your business is, the same principle would apply for developing BACKLINKS from other businesses in the different categories which would point back to your business and provide more ways for new customers to find your business when they make their next internet search.


Membership in STAY INTERNATIONAL, an International Association Alliance Member Association,  is an inexpensive and unique way to help new customers find your business.  It is a small investment with big rewards and also includes membership in the International Association Alliance, Accessibility International, the International Better Business Alliance, (IBBA), and the International Green Business Alliance (IGBA).  If you want to help your business to attract MORE NEW CUSTOMERS TODAY Click on the SUCCEED TODAY button.